
Quick Tip: Drastically reduce your PSD file size

via Idle Together

If you want to save some space (my tests showed a loss of 20%, but I didn’t try it on bigger files, which could lead to an even better result), put a white filled layer on the top of your PSD file, save it, and see the slim-fast effect.

Of course you lose the preview, but you don’t always need it, do you?


Want more space? Zip’em all!


Combining the white layer tip and zipping leads us to a whooping 85% size loss!

Because Photoshop files are just ridiculously huge.

4 Responses to “Quick Tip: Drastically reduce your PSD file size”

  1. 1 Kai Gutschow
    2009/06/22 at 10:26 am

    Nice! Any great tips on how to easily reduce large PDF files, so that they retain resolution, but can be emailed more handily? It’s one of my “pet-peeves.”
    In submitting the “Studio Documentation” for the 1st year a few weeks ago, for example, your class had pdf files ranging from 228K to 10,494K for the same 2pp. color file. I’d like to start changing that.
    We ALL need to work on reducing file sizes we submit, send, and post: it helps save bandwidth, server space, time, and thus ultimately increases all of our efficiency, reduces frustration, and saves the planet (think about all that electricity used to send and store all those huge files you casually create, trillions a day around the earth…).
    Please help circulate tips and a culture of small pdf files this upcoming semester as you submit files (starting with the summer building study I just emailed to all).
    Thanks in advance for you “vigilance”,

  2. 2 anonymous
    2009/06/27 at 2:31 am

    If you have adobe acrobat installed, try printing to pdf instead of saving to pdf. I find that this dramatically reduces file size without any noticeable reduction in resolution.

  3. 2020/01/17 at 8:14 pm

    I wanted to ask a question, my site went down for several
    weeks and now my articles aren’t showing up on google, is there anything I can do to fix this

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